I actually didn't make it to drawing class yesterday. I've had a lingering cough since the week before, and sometimes the coughing fits are so bad that I fart. Heaven forbid that that should happen in class, right?! I know . . . TMI.
The assignment for yesterday was Old Hawaii, one of my favorite subjects. I drew Yasaiya-san, the Vegetable Man. Do you remember him? I feel so grateful to have such memories.

The picture is from this book. I have several such books. I'm glad I didn't get rid of them.

I love your artwork, if you ever are ready to sell them, I’ll buy! Yes, I remember the Yasaiya,san. I spent most summers with my Baachan and Jiichan on the Ewa Plantation and they had two Yasaiya-san come and they were ladies! One had a bigger refrigerator type truck like your drawing and the other had a station wagon with mostly dry goods and vegetables. I loved it because my Baachan would always let me buy candy from the truck or sometimes the ladies would give me a piece of candy for free. LOL. In the neighborhood I grew up in (Nu’uanu) we had a Yasaiya-San come once a week, but my parents both worked so we hardly bought things from him as he would come in the late afternoon, so mostly stay-at-home moms bought from him. Thanks for bringing back sweet memories of my childhood.
Awwww, Izsmom, love your stories.
I didn't know the those trucks are still around. Amazing, it's a throw back. Remember, the manapua man. My baby grandniece says when I fart, inadvertently of course, "there's a duck quack in my okole", so cute.
I remember the Yasaiya man! He used to stop by our house on 9th Avenue in Palolo and if I had a nickel I would get the dill pickle wrapped in green wax. It wasn't the pickle that I liked - it was the wax, and I would play with the wax for hours making green fingernails and little animals, etc.
So few cars in those days that he could park and we could gather around without cars whizzing by. It was poor but nice times in those days. Simple pleasures.
Hahahahaha, Chet!!! I remember manapua man . . . "MANAPUA!! PEPEIAO!!"
Aunty, I loved those pickles too.
such great books & drawings!
Jalna! I just realized that my friend is in your drawing class!!! She just bought a new pencil sharpener too...not a KUM brand, but a german one too! She asked if you were the one who made the ono bread pudding.
What a small world!
Drink more water Jalna!
I think you are Dehydrated! <~~~!!!!
Doctor Mark Said!
Hawaiian Blessing Prayers for you! Hoping you feel better!
Please listen! It's my Prayer for you and your Family!
LUV Ya Jalna! Be WELL!
And I love all friends on your site! I read every comment. We are Ohana!
Thanks Kat!
Wow, Jenny! So small world yah! Cleta made the bread pudding, and I met Cleta because of my blog!
Awwww, thank you, Mark!!
Awesome drawing, bettah den da pikchaš!
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA how come nobody commented on your fart?? :-D that sketch is awesome!
I rememba the Vegetable Man. I used to see him in Kaimuki. And his Father when I was a little kid.
Susan, thanks!
Les, it's kinda a tabu subject yah. But, for real, it was a major worry for me . . . LOL.
Mark, so precious memory.
This is my favorite of all your awesome drawings. I remember the truck stopping at my grandma's house when I was really young. I would ask my mom for candy but she normally only bought vegetables. Once in awhile I'd get candy. Those were memorable days.
Erick, thinking of you as a kid makes me smile.
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