Artist Trading Cards are 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch cards which artists and crafts-people create and then trade among themselves.
Erick gave me a pack of blank precut Strathmore cards to use so I made my first Artist Trading Card for him. After sketching, I inked it with the finest-tipped (0.3) pen I could find and then colored with alcohol markers and colored pencils.

Inspiration came from this book. I got it for a really good deal on Amazon's Prime Day . . . $16.

Hi Jalna, I just wanted you to know that I've been really enjoying your art posts. You are sooo good!!! I really like that movie you got your inspiration from, we have the DVD. That trading card you made is so nice!! I wish I were an artist just so I could trade with you! :) - L
Wow, that is awesome!
Awesomeness, looks like a painting. Now we have to find people to trade with. I guess I have to make one first.
Wow! So neat! I like your drawing better than the pic you used for inspiration.
AMAZING!!! LOVE IT!!!! -lance
Oooooooooooo the details! Super nice! You are now a pro at this! How’s Kona? I haven’t seen him around here lately😊.
j: you started crawling and now a few short months later you are doing a marathon with your art. Just amazing!!!! How talent gets distributed is a very unfair system, cuz you got loads and loads. BTW I'm still using your gorgeous cards -N
oh my gosh Jalna, you are seriously so talented. And I loved seeing your little "comic" drawings of you and Wendell spearfishing. I would totally buy your work!!
Love it!!! You are making me think that I want to do a card too!
L, thank you so much! Glad you're liking the posts!
Thanks, Mich!
LOL, Erick!
Izsmom, the book is full of inspirational drawings. I love it.
Lance! Thank you.
Susan, thanks! Kona is okay. Just getting old like me.
Thanks N! Wish I had some of YOUR talent!
Thanks Jenny!
Ho Aunty. I like one of your cards.
so cool!
Thanks Kat. Doubt I'll be doing another one like that again. But then . . . good for when I'm bored.
That is amazing!
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