We have two homework assignments this week. This "feng shui" project is actually leftover from last week. I thought I was done, but looks like I gotta fix the mat behind the fountain.

Here's the photo I found online.

Our second assignment is on "perspective" where we show how objects look bigger up close and smaller in the distance. I started on this last night and is still in progress. The long, distorted-looking fingers are a challenge, but to me it's the focus of this assignment. And if that doesn't work then hopefully the Jim Beam bottle that I purposely brought closer to the foreground will.

The photo I copied is by Travis Okimoto and is in the recent Modern Luxury Hawaii magazine.

j: being a professional commentator *cough cough wink* you could make his forearm more wider was my first thought. Does your teacher like to see the inspiration for your drawings? Cuz first I thought it was kinda funky his hand so huge but den I saw the pic and I got it. -N P.S. I always farted when I coughed/sneezed. The other day I was walking into Don Q's and started a coughing hack and w/ all da other customers behind me was farting and cough. Oh so embarassing but lucky I not going see 'em again. At work I would occasionally sneeze and fart and I hoped (cross fingers) that my loud ACK CHOO covered the sound. Every other bodily function we have: cough,sneeze, burp, hiccups, stomach rumbling is semi-ok but a fart is considered shameful. Oooh funny story, I was walking my dogs and an old Filipino man was bent inside his van w/ his okole aimed at us....just as we passed by, he let 'em rip with a long one. Even my dogs looked at him like 'what dat', thank goodness nevah smell
Good stuff!!! I look forward to your growth.
ooh these assignments look tough!
Very cool drawings Jalna. It sure made me observe things better when I took art classes after college - many many moon ago.
HAHAHAHAHA, N!! I agree . . . farting in public is so embarrassing! And thanks for the tip on the bartender's forearm. Looks like they both need buffing up actually.
Thanks Aunty.
Kat, they're so challenging for me.
Thanks Celia. The class IS making me look at things differently now.
But but....your fingers look EXACTLY like in the photo....honestly....long skinny...
Dd, for real yah! I decided to cut out the picture from the magazine and paperclip it to my drawing so that teacher can compare.
I’m amazed! You’re getting better and better!
sooo neeeeeet!
Thanks Susan!
LOL, Les.
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