I have an email folder called "for blog" where I keep interesting blog-worthy emails. The following was in an email sent to me by my sister Didi . . . four years ago. I think maybe I need to declutter my mailbox, yah?
Boxing match onboard the USS Oregon in 1897.

Construction of the Statue of Liberty in 1884.

Arnold Schwarzenegger on the day he received his American citizenship.

The construction of Disneyland.

The Beatles meet Muhammad Ali.

Leo Tolstoy tells a story to his grandchildren in 1909.

Steamboats on the Mississippi River in 1907.

Construction of Christ the Redeemer in Rio deJaneiro, Brazil.

New York Times Square in 1911.

Child laborers in 1880.

The first photo following the discovery of Machu Pichu in 1912.

Elvis Presley in the Army.

Bill and Hilary Clinton in 1975.

The 1912 World Series.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand with his wife on the day they were assassinated in 1914, an event that helped spark World War I.

Fidel Castro lays a wreath at the Lincoln Memorial.

The first McDonalds.

Disneyland employee cafeteria in 1961.

Grounded aircraft on September 11, 2001.

Hitler in Paris.

The original Ronald McDonald played by Willard Scott.

A Japanese plane is shot down during the Battle of Saipan in 1944.

The Great San Francisco Fire and Earthquake in 1906.

Native American overlooking the newly completed transcontinental railroad in 1869.

Nagasaki 20 minutes after the atomic bombing in 1945.

Google begins with 34 people.

Martin Luther King, Jr. removes a burned cross from his yard in 1960.

Winston Churchill out for a swim.

The last known Tasmanian Tiger photographed in 1933.

Young Bill Gates and the Microsoft staff in 1978.

Roy O. and Walt Disney on the day they opened Disney Studios.

Samurai taken between 1860 and 1880.

that's pretty coooool!!
Awesome old pictures!!! Thanks for sharing :)
These are awesome photos!!!
Les, I wish camera's were invented earlier in history so that we could have photos from waaaaay long ago.
Welcome, Susie!
Really yah, Kay!
I agree, Susan.
All were great, though my favorite is the Disney cafeteria with Snow White, etc. in costume.
Picture of Elvis brought memories. I served in the same army division ( 3rd Armor Division) Elvis served in Germany. He served in the 50-60's I believe. I served much after. He was stationed at a Kaserne in Friedberg. I saw the mansion that he lived off base.
I thought that was a neat photo too, Aunty.
Wow, Chet.
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