This is our neighbor's mango tree. See how a good part of it hangs over into our yard? There is no way the neighbor can get to the mangoes on our side.
On Mother's Day my family came over and a few of them wanted to pick some still-green mangoes, so I went next door and asked for permission. Our mango picker was all bust-up but I improvised by attaching a small scoop net to it. It worked okay when my brother got on a ladder and could reach the nearby mangoes, but for the far ones it was pretty useless.

As the weeks went by and the mangoes ripened they would fall to the ground and mostly I would just throw them away. A few weekends ago I decided that I should mend the picker and try to pick the mangoes before they fell.

We found this fishing net bag at Walmart. I think it was around $6 something.

It turned out to be the perfect fit. I attached it with a wax-coated twine that I found in one of our cupboards.

It worked good.