True to his word, Wendell rabbit-proofed our fence. It's worked so far . . . haven't seen Damn Rabbit since he put up the barrier.
I'm worried that Damn Rabbit is still somehow gonna get through so I started reading up on how to scare rabbits away. I bought these two pinwheels from WalMart today. I was surprised that they weren't in the toy department, but were with the garden supplies instead. Makes me think that they must be used to chase other stuff away too. I wonder what though. I doubt we have a rabbit problem here . . . EXCEPT FOR ME.
I'm also gonna look for rubber snakes the next time I go to the swap meet. Wind chimes and the scent of stinky shoes are also supposed to deter rabbits.
Don't dogs like rabbits? Not in a loving way. More like yum.
Too bad I can't send you one of my student's shoes, I took a whiff of it while I was tying his laces the other day...ppeeeyuuueyy!!!!
Kona would be your best deterrent.
as long as he doesn't whip out a helicopter...
Erick, Kona does head straight for the fence when I let him out.
Funny Susan!
You're right Anon. I should leave him outside longer.
I know Kat!!
hahaha if a stranger walks into your yard he's gonna think you're nuts! Snakes, pinwheels, a funky looking frog, stinky shoes...
Rabbits? No kidding? I had no idea they were around too.
Kay, they're my neighbor's pets, probably got um for Easter.
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