Oh yeah, and I got this ume seed.
And I couldn't remember if it was this variety of the ume seed that I liked better or not, so I had to get it too.
And this was on sale, so I had to get it.
And while I was at it . . .
I got this globe from Ross! Isn't it the cutest? So when I found out that the scrub brush was made in Sri Lanka, I looked for Sri Lanka and knew exactly where it is in relationship to Hawaii. It's small enough that I can keep it on my cluttered computer desk at home, no problem. Only 5 bucks . . . it was the last one . . . in a busted up box all scotch taped together . . . it revolves . . . so SCORE yeah! No . . . you cannot borrow.
Hahaha,love you too, Didi, you like borrow my scrub brush?
Tee hee, Kat!
hey it seems that all those snacks ended up on my desk somehow...except the kakimochi, I think I ate that at your desk! :)
All my snacks are gone already, Les. I gotta replenish. I can go buy your nori thing too at the same time.
Looks like that was a successful shopping day...haven't seen one of those scrub brushes in long time...
Betty, we got some pans that have recessed grooves in um, so the brush will be perfect for scrubbing.
Soooo....was that the kakimochi like the one you got from secret santa ??
I think so, Didi. Tasted just like . . . so fresh and crunchy.
wow..you totally went ume/plum crazy.. hee..hee...
Funny, Shun Wah!
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