Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Me and Kai were having a grand ole time playing with his new toy this morning.  He doing his retrieving and me trying to film in slow motion.  

Until I accidentally threw the toy onto our roof.   πŸ›‘ πŸ˜‚

Stay tuned.  I hope.

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Susan said...

Whoops! lol

Anonymous said...

Don’t mean to be rude…but LOL too funny! I do things like that too and the dogs look at me with the puzzled look??? Hahaha


Anonymous said...

J, hilarious. Either your aim is really off or you're super strong. -N

DrumMajor said...

Hmmmm. Ladder?, rake? cowboy roping? Safety first for that adventure. Guess your continued support of the dog toy store is appreciated. That's a tough one even for a trained agility dog! Linda in Kansas

Kay said...

It looks like he is searching for it.

K and S said...


Chet Colson said...

Funny. It's probably him crazy, wondering where the toy is.

jalna said...

Susan, totally!

Izsmom, Kai was so confused. He saw me toss it and then it was gone. LOL.

N, I was trying to video the toss and I was trying to get it to go far. Proved to be too hard to do for an uncoordinated person like me.

Linda, Wendell came to the rescue with our mango picker.

Kay, he was!!

Kat, yah!

Chet, and I kept laughing at the whole situation. We were both having fun and then BAM screeching halt.