Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Busted out the Big Boy dish stand this morning.  Right away Kai started chewing on one of the corners.  🤪



K and S said...

heard those elevated dishes help with digestion

Anonymous said...

LOL So cute! He’s growing so fast!


DrumMajor said...

I think Mr. Kai wants the sticker and it's adhesive off of his cool feeding station. Linda in Kansas

jalna said...

Kat, Kona used one too.

Izsmom, he's gotten so long looking. LOL.

Linda, luckily he only chewed on it that one time.

Honolulu Aunty said...

Now you can't return it to Ross, lol!

jalna said...

Aunty, 😂

Susan said...

I still have all the pieces of furniture that got chewed up in one spot. Only the male doggy did that while he was young. Our female one was always a good girl. : )

jalna said...

Susan, one of Kai's sisters would keep coming to me for scratches. She was so sweet.