You can click on the photo below to watch a 10-second video of Fred eating a fly. BTW, the dried-up plant used to be a flourishing mamaki plant. 😢

Here's Fred waiting for Landon to catch flies for him. The pot above the fly swatter holds my dead shishito plant.
Too cute! LOL
that's so cool that he is not afraid. Also amazed that he eats dead bugs. My poison dart frog would only eat live insects, which is why ended up starving because there was a period of constant rain so I couldn't find live ants or insects.
I'm wondering why your plants die. Do you water everyday? Fertilize?
Fred so smart and Landon such a good caretaker.
My potted shishito plant had 1 pepper, then 1 stunted pepper months later, then 1 flower, then died. Idk what I'm doing wrong. Why only 1 per at a time? What only 2 peppers then make? The Hawaiian chili pepper plant also make after 1 harvest.
Fred da lizard
Wat one life
Eat like a king
Personal fly catcher
And one pro photog..
So funny! Your dead shishito and mamaki plants and Landon taking care of Fred's dinners. Lucky Fred!
J, I love it, I love Fred. I got Charlotte my spider in my bathroom that I feed ants to. Ants nest under wet rags so I set some up and then shake the rags towards her web and she rushes down and spins them into a cocoon. So cool. How did the outage affect you guys. -N
Izsmom, I neva see Fred today yet. Hope he didn't drown from the heavy rain.
V, sometimes I wonder if Fred thinks he's "catching" them himself. I do water and fertilize. But I have no clue what I'm doing.
Peppakilla!!! EXACTLY like me!!
Anon, 😁
Aunty, ho da mamaki . . . so sad. Was so bushy at one time.
N, the outage wasn't bad for me at all. I worked on stamping cards. Landon was totally bored.
Kat, there's a "baby" Fred that hangs around too sometimes. I feed it worms sometimes, but it's a bit skittish.
Susan, isn't he??!!
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