Saturday, November 11, 2023

Falling Back Asleep

I've become that person who wakes up at 2:30 in the morning to use the bathroom and have a hard time falling back asleep.  As usual, I've turned to YouTube for help.

This method has helped me for the past few nights.


Anonymous said...

J, junk, yeah. My sleeping habits have completely changed over the years. I stay up to 2,3,4 am. I resist sleep, I don't know why. I have Calm the app for relaxation and sleep but it doesn't help.I now wake up at 7-8 am and stay up and force myself to sleep. If I nap insomnia is worse. They say as we age our sleeping patterns change and we actually need less sleep than before. This just sucks.-N

Anonymous said...

J, p.s. you could text me and I'll probably reply back. Lol. My therapist did that at 3:30 am recently and I was shocked. Lol insomniacs UNITE!!-N

Anonymous said...

That’s me too! I’ve gotta try this.


K and S said...

hoping you’ll be able to sleep right through, but also glad you’ve found a way to get to sleep

Honolulu Aunty said...

Such great info, mahalo! I subscribed to his channel!

jalna said...

N, "insomniacs UNITE". Funny!

Izsmom, I hope it works for you.

Kat, thanks.

Aunty, I like how he describes what's happening physically.

Anonymous said...

Must be an old people thing, not that I calling you old, LOL. Or heredity? I remember my grandma saying she cannot sleep and woke up around 2 or 3, drank her coffee and started her day. My mom says the same thing. we would catch them taking a lot of naps during the day.
I wake up every 2 hours but usually can fall asleep but not after 3am. I go sleep around 8:30-10.

Erick said...

Very interesting advice. Thank you Dr. J.

Leslie's pics said...

ooooom....oooooommmm....i do all kinda of breathing exercises too when i cannot sleep, but i'm a sack, i can sleep anywhere, anytime. Oh, and just to make you happy, i haven't been able to sleep on planes lately. I think you cursed me or something!!

jalna said...

V, I'm kinda like you.

Erick, welcome!

Les, LOL! Now I won't be jealous.