I'm in a narrow corridor that is only a shoulder width wide. There's a line of people in front of me and a line of people behind me. We are all walking forward. I'm worried because I can't stop if I wanted to.
The corridor starts going into a spiral and gets narrower and narrower. It gets so tight that it's hard to breathe. After awhile, I can see that there's a tiny opening at the very end of the corridor up ahead. The people are squeezing through the opening.
It's my turn. I don't think that I can fit, but I have no choice. With some effort I manage to squeeze through, and I exit on the other side.
It is very, very bright. I can hardly see.

This reminds me of a Junji Ito story - The Enigma of Amigara Fault. It's a great read, and I recommend it! It's a bit scary though (more like psychological horror).
Jalna...have you considered talking to a professional. Not to be mean or rude but considering you took the time to record things and now putting it to paper ,seems like you are seeking answers...sorry if I'm wrong...
Hi Criticallyok. I looked up the story and read a bit . . . spooky!!
Anon, no never considered talking to a professional. The dreams don't bother me and am not seeking answers. The dreams that I recorded cover a span of over 30 years and are not frequent. I make note of them if I think that they were interesting. I'm pretty sure this particular dream and the pipe dream are about being born. And, no you weren't being mean or rude . . . thanks for your concern.
Wow, you're overlapping and shading techniques really brings depth to your drawings. I can actually feel how tight it gets towards the opening!
Thanks Susan! I'm really having fun with this new hobby. I hope you get to try it yourself someday soon!
You know intrigues me about dreams? It's time. I was in a dream state that felt like a whole day. When I woke up, I only had been asleep a couple of hours.
So interesting yah, Chet!
Cool yah, Kat.
I think your art is pretty bad ass. I don't think I could do anything close on my best day.
Awwww . . . Kevin . . .
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