There are two stems coming from this one seed. Very cool, yah. But that's not the most amazing thing about this seedling. The most amazing thing is that I found the seed in a Cara Cara orange . . . an orange which is normally seedless!
Will it grow fruit once it becomes a tree. One time I started an avocado seed like that. I finally planted it as a tree, but it never gave fruit. So I looked it up. And It turns out I would have to graft on a branch from a grown avocado tree to make it bear fruit. I tried that, but it didn't work for me.
How to graft an avocado tree.....
He says most fruit and nut trees do not produce fruit from seed. Or there is a very long waiting period.
We've been loving the cara care oranges ever since you recommended them. I've been told that growing from seed won't get you the same fruit necessarily. However, it's so much more fun to grow it from a seed. It's like it's your baby.
Kay, I don't have a green thumb at all, so it's good to know that my home-grown plant might not yield the fruit I expect. Now, if/when the plant dies, I won't be so sad.
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OMG! LOL, crossing my fingers!
j: alright everyone say it: awwwww da cute!!! (cuz it is) -N
Mich, I gonna need lots of crossed fingers!
Will it grow fruit once it becomes a tree. One time I started an avocado seed like that. I finally planted it as a tree, but it never gave fruit. So I looked it up. And It turns out I would have to graft on a branch from a grown avocado tree to make it bear fruit. I tried that, but it didn't work for me.
How to graft an avocado tree.....
He says most fruit and nut trees do not produce fruit from seed. Or there is a very long waiting period.
Fingers crossed! How are your lemon trees doing? I REALLY want a tree from the neighbor's lime tree and am thinking of trying by seed.
I saw cara cara oranges advertised at a local supermarket!!! Gotta go try some!
Mark, me too, I tried growing an avocado tree. I ended up giving it away.
Aunty, I have one surviving Meyer lemon plant that I grew from a seed. No fruit yet. A plant that I gave away to one sister did bear fruit though.
Yay, Susan. I hope it's a good batch!
I wish I had your green thumb, Kat.
We've been loving the cara care oranges ever since you recommended them. I've been told that growing from seed won't get you the same fruit necessarily. However, it's so much more fun to grow it from a seed. It's like it's your baby.
Kay, I don't have a green thumb at all, so it's good to know that my home-grown plant might not yield the fruit I expect. Now, if/when the plant dies, I won't be so sad.
uuuuuu exciting!
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