Finally! No Charity Mail!
Art once worked for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Therefore
reducing waste and preventing pollution is very important to him and of
course, t...
14 minutes ago
I made more ajitsuke eggs last night, this time I timed it at 5 minutes, I hope its not too runny for you?
Oh my your mistake egg is MY DREAM EGG. I'm really wanting those Waimana eggs....
oh da cute!! I wish I seen this, I woulda bought it!
OMG, that first egg looks like how I want my eggs to be!!! Perfect for ramen.
Score again! You make me want to eat hard boiled eggs again. My mother used to boil them and we had cute little egg cups on pedestals that we would use to hold the half egg. We sprinkled salt on the open side and scooped out the "meat" with our teaspoons. It felt so English and proper.
Maybe I gotta head out to Hawaii Kai on Tuesdays for the open market but then I am usually too laid back for the drive. Still, you got me thinking....
They were perfect, Mich! Thanks!
I'm learning that a lot of people like their eggs like that, Jenny!
Les, I don't remember seeing it at Daiso . . . but then I wasn't really looking for um.
Oh good, Lorna! Wendell's sister probably liked um then!
So cute, you and your mom, Aunty! I know what you mean about driving out on a Tuesday afternoon. If I didn't live so close, I wouldn't be going.
sooo.....was hard to peel ???
I like how the yolks are a deep/dark orange color!
Yah Dd . . . even though I doused them in ice water. Mich doesn't seem to have that problem.
Me too, Julie!
The soft one would be great over hot rice.
The first pic wiggly one looks like it has two chicken eyeballs looking at you!....LOL
Tip on peeling a hard boiled egg. I peel it under a stream of hot water from my sink faucet. No mess all over your fingers, and the shell just falls off easy. Try it! You will love it!
Kay, last night my son cracked two raw eggs over hot rice, added some minced fried sausage and furikake. He "forced" me to take a bite. It was good.
I thought so too, Kat!
Hahahaha, Mark. I looked at it again, and now I wanna draw a smile under it! I'll try your tip next time.
Am enjoying the blog!
Check Serious Eats site ( or search the site for boiled egg. It peels easy if you boil/steam COLD eggs, chill,and then use Mark's tip of peeling under running water. So far worked for me every time.
M, that was sooo interesting! I'm gonna try it that way next time! Thanks!
Cute egg timer. My egg timer is lame, I use the clock.
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