One of my sisters has a bunch of friends from Japan. One of them gave her a carton of Waimana TKG eggs and said that it's the only eggs she will buy. The Japanese writing on the top of the carton says, "Japanese growers create safe and secure egg production." Intrigued, I looked up "Waimana TKG". I think the TKG stands for Tamago Kake Gohan, probably implying that the eggs are safe enough to eat raw over rice. Their farm-direct store is located in Waimanalo. You can check the site out for yourself here.
You can also find the eggs at Don Q, Nijiya and Marukai. I bought mine at Marukai. It was expensive . . . $6.99/dozen . . . yet there were only three cartons left. The price list on the website says that you can get a dozen Large (B grade) at the Waimanalo store for $3.80/dozen.

The eggs were hard to crack . . . the shells and membrane were so thick. The yolks were not quite as orange as I had expected, but boy were they firm.

I transferred the egg into a flatter dish so that you can see the height. Impressive, yah.

I made some tamagoyaki and it was ono, but I can't really say that they were $6.99/dozen extra-delicious. Maybe I'll take a drive to Waimanalo and check out what their $3.80/dozen B-grade eggs are like.
I would have expected a deeper yolk color too! Just remembering your "edumacation" on eggs a while back. :)
Mich, I did get to go to the store in Waimanalo! Blog post coming soon.
What is the difference between Grade A and B? $7 for eggs? Yikes!
Sorry we'll be missing you on Monday. I was going to ask you how you met my two cousins.
J: Oh thanks sooooo much! I am sooooo going to buy this and make sukiyaki and use the raw egg dip for it. With all the news on eating raw eggs here, I've stopped doing that but now it's ON, baby! I'll be willing to pay $7 if I can do that again! $7 for peace of mind, knowing I not taking a chance on salmonella or stomach upset is so worth it! Hooo you double lucky, they come out to Kaiser High! I be so happy now! -N
I love Waimanalo! Looking forward to hearing about that excursion!
yup TKG = tamago kake gohan...the yolks are firm like the eggs we have here
The Roosters must be 3 feet tall! .....hehe ; )
Hi jalna, great photos of the Waimana eggs! Love the support of local farmers in HI!
I go to their store, too, mainly because the people at the farm store are super sweet (the farmer's wife will tell you exactly how many days you have to safely eat the TKG eggs raw/as TKG) and I know they've not been sitting in the supermarket cooler for an additional week--the gas is costlier than any store savings, though. What did you think of the drive?
*tip to anyone going there--bring cash! ☺There's a bank nearby and an ATM at the 7-11, but the fees are nuts.
Cheers, srfr_grl
Sorry I can't make it on Monday, Kay. Aunty picked a good restaurant. I'm sure it's gonna be fun and delicious. Walt is a good friend of Ghim Yeoh, MD, the founder of the company that I work for. Dr. Yeoh is the one who hired me 35 years ago. I only know Lorna because of this blog. I've never met her, but she's one of my favorite readers. I did make it to the store in Waimanalo and bought a dozen of their "B" grade eggs. They look exactly the same as "A" to me. I can't tell the difference.
N, Landon got to try it raw with sukiyaki. He totally loooooved it.
It was a fun excursion, Aunty!
Unreal those yolks, Kat!
Totally yah, Mark! LOL!
Srfr_grl, I live in Hawaii Kai so Waimanalo is nearby. Except for getting lost trying to find the store, the drive was an easy one for me.
This thread is Eggalicious! ; ) Keep going Jalna!
More to come, Mark!
holy moly!!! $6.99 a dozen? yikes? they look good tho!
More on tomorrow's post, Leslie.
I should try the egg. I uses to like raw egg on hot cooked rice but I'm afraid of salmonella poising.
I won't normally eat raw egg, but these seem safe, Akemi.
When I was in the Philippines a couple years ago their egg yolks were so orange! I was making a dessert with a custard like topping that is normally supposed to be a light creamy color and thought with the orange egg yolks it would darken the custard but it didn't. It was really delicious!
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