An anonymous commenter asked "Why?" I thought long and hard about how I should answer this question, especially since I've always, always tried to be honest and open with all of you. Being evasive and vague is not in my nature, yet that's exactly how I've been behaving regarding my decision to stop blogging. I think that you deserve to know the truth.
I've been getting e-mails from a blog reader that disturb me. I've learned that I can easily block the e-mails, but just knowing that by following my blog, he has knowledge of the comings and goings in my life and especially in the lives of my loved ones makes me feel uneasy and scared even. He probably doesn't even mean to scare me, but he does. So, that's why I decided to stop.
I've loved being able to share my life and its misadventures with you these past 6 years. The blog started as a place for me to show off my photos, but I soon realized that it's the story telling that I loved to do the most, and this blog proved to be a great outlet for me. Mostly, you "Peoples" were such a great audience . . . I always appreciated and enjoyed all of your comments and emails. I thank those of you who did take the time to send me your thoughts. It made me so happy.
I regret that Photos by jalna is ending this way, but I do hope that you'll return sometime when you want to follow one of Wendell's recipes that you liked, or need a laugh after a hard day or after screwing up an order at a drive through, or maybe when you feel you need an inspiration from some craft project that I might have done or maybe you just want to look at Kona's cute face again. I don't plan to close down the blog. I hope that it'll be available to you for a long time.
Maybe someday I should start up another public blog. I'll call it Photos by jocelyn. I'll give everybody fake names. Kona will be "Maui". Wendell will be "Wonderful". My sisters "Moe", "Larry" and "Curly". But then, how do I get you guys to find me? I need to work on that . . .