I haven't been able to join my sisters swap meet shopping for awhile, but I am hoping to go again this Sunday. Here are a few pictures from a couple of months ago.
This is how the sky looked the last time I went to Kam. I love it when it's overcast like this. Helps to keep things cool.
I got this for $1. I use it a lot to squeeze the liquid from a can of tuna. It works good.
Geri got her Jester Hat for $1.
This plant cost Sweetie $7.
I just love these type of Bath and Body body washes. They smell so good. I got these for $3 each.
These microwavable Tupperware were $1 each. There was another bigger one that was $2. I didn't get it at first. But on our way out we passed the seller again and Sweetie noticed that it hadn't been sold so she asked the seller how much it was. The seller said $1! I bought it then. Hoo hoo!
Geri bought this top of a meat grinder for her husband to use to make fish chum for when he goes fishing. It was $3. There was no bottom or handle even, but Geri figured they could improvise. I forgot to ask her if they were successful.
I bought this Bop It for $1. I owned it for around 1 minute. There was a kid there who marveled at my good deal, so I gave it to him. I'm pretty sure I can find another one again.
Sweetie bought this Asian Cookbook. I think it was $2.
I bought this three-hole hole puncher for $1. I don't even need it. I already got one. Anybody want it?
This was a score! It's a turntable. Geri got it for 50 cents!!!
I'm not sure which one of my sisters bought this and how much it was. I think might've been around $3.
Geri got this timer for $1. Soooo cute yah!!
Dunno why nobody snatched up these shoes.
A family scored this stroller for $5! We were so happy for them that we almost clapped! Hahahaha.
This kid was in his best outfit. Colin would be so J.
After shopping we went to Waiola Shave Ice on Waiola Street. Geri got this Li Hing Lilikoi. It was good.
Sweetie got this Vanilla/Strawberry. It was bad. It was flavorless . . . as if there was no syrup on it at all. Mine was like that too.
I plan to go to Aloha Swap Meet this Sunday . . . with Aunty. Wish me luck. Aunty cannot walk far, so I'm gonna wheelchair it. Plus there's the bathroom issue. She still cannot pull down her pants by herself. I hope she goes dodo before we leave the house. I know, I know . . . sorry . . . TMI.
About Aunty . . . cannot fix her shoulder. We switched ortho doctor. I never met the first one (Dr. Richard K.), but from what Wendell would tell me, I never liked him (or his staff) at all . . . from the beginning. They no care. After Aunty's MRI, they never even contact us . . . until this day, even though results showed that all four of her rotator cuff muscles were completely torn. We had already decided that we weren't gonna go back to him anyway, so neva really matter, but that just shows you how uncaring he is. No go to him. You can email me at JalnaA@aol.com and I'll give you his full name if you like.
We switched to Dr. Darryl Kan. Dr. Kan did arthroscopic repair on Landon's elbow over 15 years ago, and we really liked him. Would you believe Wendell said that Dr. Kan remembered Landon?!
Anyway, Dr. Kan said that Aunty's shoulder cannot be repaired. The muscles and tendons are too badly damaged to be re-attached. The best we can do for Aunty is to have her do some rehab and hope that she can regain at least limited use of her right arm.
I wanna thank all of you who sent prayers and good wishes to Aunty. It really helps. I think you folks are da-bomb-diggity.
Auwe...I so sorry to hear about Aunty's shoulder. Good thing you got new doctor. Sending prayers for Aunty to heal. What about acupuncture to help with the pain and healing? Try ask your new doctor.
So very sorry to hear about not being able to repair your sil arm....I can't believe it was that badly injured from a fall..Hope that rehab helps.
Poor Aunty, I hope she enjoys the swap meet as much as you and your sisters.
Aunty is amazing. Her detached damaged muscles and tendons would have most people screaming and complaining. Glad you are having her see Dr. Kan-very impressed that he remembers Landon.
So funny....secret santa "years" ago gave all the sisters that tuna can strainer stuff....
Good idea about the acupuncture Waibu. I'll suggest it to Wendell.
You know what Anon, I thought the same thing . . . how can so much injury come from a fall? Made me wonder if Dr. Richard neva cause further damage trying to pop the joint back into place.
For sure she's gonna have fun at the swap meet Erick.
Thanks Celia.
You did Didi? Don't remember.
just in case you want to go for one more opinion, my friend had her rotor cuff fixed by Dr. Edward J. Weldon, III @ straub, 522-4232. take care.
Awww man, I've been looking for an Asian wedding picture. Too bad I wasn't there to buy it... ;)
Dr. Kan is the bomb! I bet he won't remember me but :( Bummers about the shoulder, hopefully PT will help
aww.. I hope Aunty is not in much pain. I know she is getting the best care from both you and Wendell. Hope all goes well at the swap meet.
Thanks Kat! I'll keep him in mind.
I'll look for the wedding picture again, Les! LOL!
Thanks Shun Wah!
A $5 stroller? I would cheer for the family too. This is the first time I heard it-can colander. I have to come up with gadget like that to go to Shark Tank.
Sorry about Aunty...I really am.
Akemi, I really hope you can visit the swap meet the next time you're here.
Styling with da bracelet, you go Aunty!
Ooo the shave look refreshing.
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