I've seen some awesome photos taken with an iPhone, so now that I got one, I was curious to see what I could come up with. I was so happy when Lauren agreed to pose for me. Thanks Lauren!!
It's veeeery challenging. It seems that the camera is set at 50 ISO and f2.4. The shutter speed will vary according to the lighting. The camera chose 1/60 for this shot. At 1/60, you gotta hold the phone reeeeaaal still. Not easy. But I'll keep trying . . .
huh ????? ;o\
wow nice..the slightly blurry background makes for a great portrait. yay.. you now have an iphone?
Hahaha. . . never mind Didi.
I confess Shun Wah, I blurred the background in photoshop. I just got the phone this past weekend.
Wow cool, I gonna try too.
Dunno if it helps Erick, but I put it on HDR mode.
phone is set to waaatt ??? geesse..I take a lot of pics with my phone, but ummm...touch camera and press button...done..
My phone's camera is pretty much a point and shoot too Didi. I can't play with any settings other than HDR, but when I view the picture in Photoshop, I can see what settings the camera chose.
hahaaha Didi is cracking me up!
Me too Les!
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