I don't own any designer anything, so I had no clue as to whether it was authentic or not. $5 is not much to spend on a coin purse, but somehow I didn't wanna spend it on something fake. The seller was a kinda rough looking Polynesian guy and I didn't think he knew whether it was real or not either.
This Made in China tag turned me off. It just didn't seem right that an authentic Coach product would be made in China. . . so I didn't get it.
When I got home I went online to try and learn more about Coach stuff. It seems that yes, most Coach bags are now made in China. It's good to check the seams. They are supposed to match up really well. The CC lettering needs to match up also. The stitching is usually perfect. Purses with CC outside should not also have a CC lining. The most helpful clue for me was that the zippers on authentic bags will most likely have a YKK mark on it.
When I went to the swap meet today, I had hoped to find the seller with the coin purse again . . . and I did! And look what the zipper had on it. So I decided to buy it. Only thing . . . when I asked the seller, "How much?" This time he said, "$10." !!!!
Whaaaa??? I hesitated. I said, "How about $5?" He paused, gave me a resigned look and without saying a word motioned for me to give him the money.
And I did!! So now I own an authentic Coach product . . . I hope.
Awesome, Coach for $5? Got to be real!
Not to burst your bubble or anything but you'd be surprised how close the fakes look to a "real" brand. Makes you wonder if the "real" is actually real. I have a friend in China that works in a LV store and even they have a difficult time telling which is which. People think if it costs a lot it must be real and if its a cheap price it must be fake. Bottom line is that you're happy with it. Just don't get it wet, the color may run...hehe...j/k
Hahahaha!! Shaddup Erick!
Wow Lance, that's unreal that even people who work with the real stuff find it hard to identify fakes. I kinda want to clean it (I saw on YouTube where someone used carpet cleaner), but I scaid . . . like you said, the colors might run . . .
nice! hard to know what's the real thing and what's a copy one, huh!
who cares? It's cute! :-)
Forget buying those "lotions " and treat yourself to some real coach :)
Life is too short , just enjoy !
looks similar to the one I have and I bought mine at COACH :) way to go!
Hi Jalna,
I know it's not related to your post, but thought you'd like to know as I just completed it. I turned my toaster oven just below 200 degrees and laid the thin turkey pastrami in. The package that I bought from Sam's Club In around 2 hours nice thin crispy jerky. I think you'll really like it in your dehydrator. Or try it in a toaster oven or oven -lance
I think it looks good and a good buy. I have a few coach bags I bought at consignment store. I really don't want to find out it's authenticity.
Cannot tell yah Betty.
Thanks Les!
I think you're right, Anon.
Hahaha. Thanks Kat.
Oooh Lance . . . sounds good!!
Akemi, I'm gonna try and take better looks at the ones I see at the swap meet from now. I'm just curious to see if I can spot the fakes.
yippeee!! big enuff ??
Not sure if it's big enough Didi. I can't get myself to use it. I feel like it's too good for me. Sheeze.
100% real
it's 100% real. I've bought an wallet at Coach store and it got YKK on the zipper and made in China label.
Ykk embossing is not exclusive to coach. Even the jeans I habr on right now have ykk on the zipper and they are certainly not made by coach. Just an fyi.
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