This is the Sari Sari ($8.25). Always very tasty.
It was the first time for me to try the Squid Guisado ($8.25) . . . not my cup of tea. I liked the texture, but it tasted a bit too much like bait.
this and that
I had heard that 7-eleven sold baked in-store cookies, but hadn't seen them
in the stores near us.I finally stumbled on one nearby...their cookies are
1 day ago
My three favorite dishes, sari sari, prawns sarciado and lechon! You making me so hungry!
Yummy!! Can't get this kind of food here. There was a Filipino restaurant that opened in Davis about 40 miles from here. That's where UC Davis is. Anyway, we went over to eat there once, had chicken adobo, was so ono. Sadly, the owner closed the restaurant. Not enough business. I think there may be a Filipino restaurant in the south part of town, don't know for sure or even where it is.
Wow, hearing from you Betty makes me appreciate the different variety of food we have here.
I often tell people one of the main reasons I visit Hawaii (home) is to eat all the ono food that we can't find here in California. I'm keeping notes of where you eat so I can try them when I go home again. Thanks!!!
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