The Honolulu Marathon runners pass by my street every year. They're always fun to watch, but even more so now that I get to share my pictures with you. There were puddles everywhere and it was fun trying to get the reflection of the runners in them.
I don't know who this group was, but they were really good. Can you see the Hawaiian warrior waiting to pee? I missed getting a good picture of him. You can't seen them really good, but these were panda heads that they were wearing. They looked hot and heavy.
I missed getting a picture of this guy when he passed by me. I had to run about 2 blocks in my rubber slippers to catch up to him Here're Les and Randy. Les saw me running and she said she thought I was gonna trip and fall . . . that's how graceful I am.
My street is after this sign. If you look really good you can see Wendell. I loooove standing here . . . 'cause I feel so useful when I ask the runners if they want me to take a picture of them by the marker with their own cameras.
There were a lot of these camera phones.
and only one of this bling bling one.
Here're my injures from walking around in wet rubber slippers. And stop laughing at the rubbah slippah spaces between my toes.
Hi Jalna, What part of town is this? Hope the weather wasn't too bad for the race. Read on the Advertiser's front page this morning that home has been having some horrendous weather. It's raining today and very cold here, it's down in the 30's now. BRRRR!!
Awsome pictures. Love the guy in the malo, and of course your feet. Where were your shoes? Oh by the way it took me ALL afternoon to make that double batch of cookies. They are a big hit with the grandkids who I'm sure eat atleast half of them before dinner. It seems I made about 18 dozen cookies. I have only 2 lg cookies sheets, so it took a while. Last batch didn't have much chocolate chips in them so I added some dried cranberries. Those are good too.
Hi Betty: I live in Hawaii Kai and most of the pictures were taken on Hawaii Kai Drive. It rained a bit in the morning and then it got hot and muggy with overcast clouds for the rest of the day.
No wonder it didn't look familiar. What I remember about Hawaii Kai, there was not much there, back in the late 50"s. Your pictures are awesome!! We had rain and wind all night. The sun came out today but more rain later tonight. Snow in the mountains. So. Calif got it a little worse that us, I think.
The runners seem to be in such a good spirit even after having run such a long distance. You managed to get such good expressions from all of the runners! Looked like it was a fun shoot..
Hey Betty, I've heard that there was nothing but pig farms and swamp back then. It's still raining off and on here too. My car trunk has a leak that we were never able to find, so now after days of rain my car's starting to smell musty.
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Hi Jalna, What part of town is this? Hope the weather wasn't too bad for the race. Read on the Advertiser's front page this morning that home has been having some horrendous weather. It's raining today and very cold here, it's down in the 30's now. BRRRR!!
Great shots, especially the feet!
Awsome pictures. Love the guy in the malo, and of course your feet. Where were your shoes? Oh by the way it took me ALL afternoon to make that double batch of cookies. They are a big hit with the grandkids who I'm sure eat atleast half of them before dinner. It seems I made about 18 dozen cookies. I have only 2 lg cookies sheets, so it took a while. Last batch didn't have much chocolate chips in them so I added some dried cranberries. Those are good too.
Hi Betty: I live in Hawaii Kai and most of the pictures were taken on Hawaii Kai Drive. It rained a bit in the morning and then it got hot and muggy with overcast clouds for the rest of the day.
No wonder it didn't look familiar. What I remember about Hawaii Kai, there was not much there, back in the late 50"s. Your pictures are awesome!! We had rain and wind all night. The sun came out today but more rain later tonight. Snow in the mountains. So. Calif got it a little worse that us, I think.
The runners seem to be in such a good spirit even after having run such a long distance. You managed to get such good expressions from all of the runners! Looked like it was a fun shoot..
Hey Betty, I've heard that there was nothing but pig farms and swamp back then. It's still raining off and on here too. My car trunk has a leak that we were never able to find, so now after days of rain my car's starting to smell musty.
Shun-Wah, I especially had fun this year with the thought of posting the pictures on my blog.
I always love your marathon makes me forget all the agony I went through and gets me to sign up again for the next race!
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