My family came over today for my mom's birthday. Because I don't cook too good, I always rely on Costco. These caught my eye. They were about $15.
You bake them at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. I was a bit disappointed in them. They didn't come out looking like the picture on the box, and although there were supposedly four different flavors, they all tasted the same to me.
I've been wanting to try these for awhile, and I thought today would be the perfect occasion to try them out. I think it was about $10. Doesn't the picture look great?!
It DID take only 5 minutes in the microwave, and this is REALLY what it looks like when done. Wendell and Landon liked them, but I hated 'um. Admittedly the broth was very tasty, but the clams were soooo gritty it actually crunched when you bit into them. It sooooo turned me off.
Now this dip surprised me. Costs about $7. Heat it up in the microwave for a few seconds . . .
and it comes out looking like this. Veeeery cheesy and so ono . I couldn't stop myself. I kept saying, "Last chip . . . okay, this one is the last chip . . . okay, FOR REAL, this is the last chip . . . "
this and that
This room with huge windows, is part of a condo, I actually saw someone
walking around in there!Must be warm in the winter and oven-ish in the
summer Parki...
5 hours ago
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