Here are just a few photos from Sunday's marathon.
this and that
I had heard that 7-eleven sold baked in-store cookies, but hadn't seen them
in the stores near us.I finally stumbled on one nearby...their cookies are
2 days ago
I always think of you guy trapped in your homes for hours!
Never seen such a set-up with all the hoses and giant Gatorade tank. Much respect for the elder gentleman dressed in his culture's apparel while running, leaning forward with intent. Linda in Kansas
Wow! I give people credit doing the Marathon! Kudos to the organizers and volunteers.
Torture. 30 years ago I said that I would do the Marathon because of a good friend who passed away - but I never did. My #3 did it when she was in intermediate school. She took about 6 hours and by the time she came in, no massage tables, etc. were at the finish line. She did it with a friend the next year and they took 10 hours. The friend had a miltdown and had to be encouraged to finish. We waited and waited at the finish line. They took down all the barriers and an old man with crutches came hobbling in. Finally, we saw them barely walking, though they perked up as they came to the end. I don't remember if they even got their finisher shirts. They sure deserved it.
love these shots!
I give people credit for entering the Marathon even if they walk. I've done a handful of Great Aloha Run which if about 8 miles, I was hurting. A marathon at 26.2 is too brutal for me.
The runner in the bunny costume makes it fun.and how you got the young fella with great abs and a senior in the same frame, priceless.
Bonny ogg
V, I used to bake xmas cookies on Marathon Sunday, but I found Cookie Lady at the swap meet whose cookies are exactly like mine so I bought a whole bunch from her this year to give away instead! Shhhh . . .
Linda, first time for me too seeing the hoses and tank!
Izsmom, totally.
Aunty, wow, if anybody deserved those shirts, they did.
Kat, thanks!
Chet, "brutal" for me too.
Bonny, I lucked out on that photo. And the bunny was waiting for her friends to catch up so I lucked out there too.
i wonder wonder if that guy carried that heavy looking flag on pole that whole route ;-{
Dd, I know! That's exactly what I was wondering.
Art did the Hapalua and the Marathon, but has slowed down. I remember those days of looking for him at certain areas and then at the finish line.
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