Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Growing Mushrooms

Here are the mushrooms!

This is Colin's. 

And here it is just before harvesting.

This is Didi's.

And here it is before harvesting!

Very coooool!!


Kalin's Mommy said...

That is cool! Missed you, glad your back!

jalna said...

Mich! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

almost tempted to buy! amazing!
I think a pack of mushrooms at the store about that size would be about $5-$6

jalna said...

V, and it's fun! I'll let you know if I ever see it cheap again.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Looks good.


K and S said...

wow wow wow

Kay said...

OK. I'm impressed.

Susan said...

Wow! Amazing!

Chet Colson said...

When we have heavy rains, our yard has mushrooms that sprouts up. Too bad, it's not edible. Edible mushrooms has good medicinal properties.

Honolulu Aunty said...

How did they cook it? Looks yummy.

jalna said...

Izsmom, doesn't it!!

Kat, LOL.

Kay, funny.

Susan, it grows pretty fast too.

Chet, our yard too. I think they're so cute.

Aunty, Didi's dish will be on tomorrow's blog post.