Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Mrs. Hane

Wendell was a kids' baseball coach for many years, and Mrs. Hane was one of my favorite moms.  She was always so sweet and thoughtful.

Before Covid I used to see her all the time at Ross, especially on Tutu Tuesdays.  She would usually have a stash of homemade chocolate chip cookies in her purse to give away. 

I saw Mrs. Hane yesterday at Ross.  I'd been watching out for her ever since I started Ross-shopping again.

She was at the end of the food aisle looking in my direction.  I waved and went over to talk to her.  Turns out she was wondering if it was me.  She said that she couldn't tell because of my mask.  I also have a ponytail now, and I don't wear makeup anymore, so I can see why she was unsure.

After chit-chatting for a little bit, she reached into her purse.  She said that she didn't have any cookies, but she did have some flowers for me. 

As usual, Mrs. Hane brightened up my day.  I wish I could be as thoughtful as her.

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Anonymous said...

Ohhh...What a wonderfully sweet person!


jalna said...

Izsmom, isn't she???!!!!!!

Dd said...

ho.....i totally didnt realize from your text that those were so special !!!

Honolulu Aunty said...

We all need a Mrs. Hanes in our lives. Wendell must have been a great coach for her to be so nice to you.

jenny said...

Oh my gosh, I aspire to be so sweet and thoughtful like her. It's really the little things that touch the heart the most.

jalna said...

Dd, very special!

Aunty, she is a treasure.

Jenny, her gesture really did touch my heart.

K and S said...

aw so nice

jalna said...

Kat, ❤️

Susan said...

What a beautiful soul!

jalna said...

Susan, I agree.

Erick said...

So nice of her.