Monday, May 31, 2021

Abstract Watercolor Painting

 I used watercolor inks for this painting.


Honolulu Aunty said...

Neat! Instead of watching paint dry, it is enjoying paint get wet!

btw, today is Esther Nowell's 101st birthday! I gave her a birthday card that you painted - the one of several candles all painted with different lines and colors. She said she really liked it and kept looking at it. I told her that Jalna did it and that you were in her class. She was happy.

K and S said...

so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So creative! I love the colors you used.


jalna said...

Awwww Aunty, that's so cool!

Kat, fun to do too!

Izsmom, thanks!

Susan said...

Nice colors!!

Erick said...

So cool! I have to get some watercolor ink and a straw. Looks like fun.