Geri finally got around to emailing us the recipe for her son's ono banana bread. Jason also makes a good cheesecake which I previously blogged about here.
It was perfect timing because I had two overripe bananas on our kitchen counter and a bagful in the freezer.

As you can see I added some chopped walnuts . . . maybe about 1 cup. The bread came out very moist and dense . . . just how I like it.

Jason’s Banana Bread
Cream together:
2 cups sugar
1 cup butter
6 ripe bananas (2 ½ cups)
4 well beaten eggs
Sift together – then add to wet ingredients:
1 tsp salt
2 ½ cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
Pour into loaf pans – and mix the banana evenly
Bake: 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes
Don’t use flimsy pans – use good pans
OOOOOH! I love banana bread, and this looks so easy! And I have lots of bananas that were ripe and not being eaten so I cut them up and froze them.
Yum yum yum! Please thank Jason for me!
j: you know I love me some b. bread! At least I know where there's a good one since I boo hoo do not have a stove. BTW thanks for posting Leslie's pixs, went to her Instagram account. I always wondered how it SMELLS like over there w/ all the beasties running loose. One time I came across an Indian couple beautiful dressed at our hotel and no insult but their BO stank to high heaven (this was in the am). I think it could curl wall paper. -N
Oh my! Looks so scrumptious. Moist and dense, yummy!
looks so good!
Aunty, I used up almost all of my bananas!
N, you have no idea how funny your comment is . . . for years Leslie would tell me how she wanted to go to India and I always told her not to because I had heard that it's so STINK there. It became a joke every time she mentioned India to me.
Izsmom, and it made two huge loaves!
Kat, thanks.
This sounds really yummy and not hard to make. It's my kind of recipe. I still make the fruitcake recipe you posted.
OK! I want Dat! I don't care how much it cost's!
..... ; )
Kay, great!
Mark, funny!!
so, question. How do you get your bread to be baked all the way through? Mines always is perfect around the edges and undercooked in the middle so it's all mushy. I gave up trying
oh and I"m cracking up at N's comment!
Les, my banana bread used to always come out like that too. So I would make muffins instead. I think our new oven made the difference. Even my Christmas cookies come out better now . . . more evenly baked. I totally cracked up at N's comment too!!
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