Here are a few of the photos that I took at the Luau this past Saturday. Not real sure if I'm allowed to post photos of the guests so I have just one wide shot of them with some of the kupuna in the foreground for you.
You can click on the photo below to view a short video. <
He was one of my favorites! I always loved our Hawaiian History!
Prince Lunalilo..... .
. Lunalilo, born William Charles Lunalilo (January 31, 1835 – February 3, 1874), was the sixth monarch of the Hawaiʻi from January 8, 1873 until February 3, 1874. Due to his popularity and status as Hawaii's first elected monarch, he became known as "The People's King".
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ahodori bento
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Descanso Gardens, 4/2/24
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still rolling in! It's not Uranus Gotta stop and smell the sunrise! Cotton
Delhi - Day 9
October 2, 2019
We had another full day in Delhi before we leave for Varanasi tomorrow.
Subie met us once again to take us on a mini tour around Delhi. ...
Wow, looks like a big production!
Nice!!! Looks like it was a success.
He was one of my favorites! I always loved our Hawaiian History!
Prince Lunalilo.....
Lunalilo, born William Charles Lunalilo (January 31, 1835 – February 3, 1874), was the sixth monarch of the Hawaiʻi from January 8, 1873 until February 3, 1874. Due to his popularity and status as Hawaii's first elected monarch, he became known as "The People's King".
So nice that they recognize the kupunas...
looks like a great event!
OMG Mich, it was HUGE. 400 guests. Choke volunteers.
Izsmom, it was! Luckily the rain stopped.
Mark, it was due to his Will and Trust that the home was built.
Chet, they are totally about the kupuna there.
Kat, it was!!
You and all the volunteers are gems!
"Mark, it was due to his Will and Trust that the home was built". ~Jalna
That's very KEWL Jalna! I always knew it was a very special place! I could see it from my house at the top of Mariners Ridge.
Wow, big event. Plenty people.
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