MW Restaurant – Honolulu, HI
We had a gift card for MW Restaurant so we came for a little holiday
dinner. What a nice treat! We enjoyed ourselves very much and the food was
ono! Liliko...
4 hours ago
Hungry birds;)
Aren't those Brazilian cardinals?
Never seen birds like this. I like their red eye highlights, cool!
Red Whiskered Bulbuls
wonder why they "tap" at your window ??
At least not Angry Birds, Anon. LOL. Get it? Angry Birds? Hahahaha . . . never mind . . .
Anon, looks like they're bulbuls. There's a neat video here of one chirping.
I like the red tuft too, Erick.
Thanks, Anon.
The window has reflective tint, Didi. They're tapping at the "intruder".
Awesome looking birds I think but they didn't like what they see? Nice photo opportunity you got.
Hungry angry birds??? ;)
Really neat, Akemi. They can't see me so I can get real close.
LOL, Anon!
so cute, they should make friends with Kona so he won't be so lonely when you're at work...
I mentioned getting another dog to Wendell, Les. He didn't go for that idea.
They're tapping at your windows because they see their reflections. And they're saying, "Eh. U like beef?"
Beautiful birds. They sing really well too.
Lol. Moki, and one is more aggressive than the other.
I listened to one in a video, Susie. Sounded pretty.
I remember our normal red cardinals. I have never seen one like this. Interesting. We had a bird feeder in our back yard on Diamond Head and the cardinals would always come around. And so many other species. It was always fun to watch.
Why were they taping on the window, somebody said? Jalna was making them hungry with ALL of her good cooking she always does! She is getting a reputation!.....hehe
Sometimes Jalna even makes my tap on my computer screen....! Like...OH! I Really want that!......LOL
I often wonder about the different birds I see here now, Mark. Maybe I wasn't so observant before, but I only remember cardinals, mynah birds, sparrows, pigeons and mejiros from before. I had a feeder. Neva work out. I wrote about it here .
Yes those were always the main birds we always saw Jalna. Now it seems there are many more new ones. Where did they come from? Pet stores? We even started to have a flock of parrots flying around Diamond Head at one point. I think somebody's bird pets are getting loose! We were even inundated with Parakeets at one point at our bird feeder! Not sure if I like this.
Kind of like Alligators where they don't belong!......hehe
Mark, I went to a bon dance across of Central Union Church a few years back. It was in the late afternoon when birds do all that chirping for some reason. Had choke green birds flying around by the church . . . maybe parakeets?
I used to go to that bon dance Jalna when I was one little Keiki! I think that bird pets have either been released or snuck out of their cage. Maybe people can't even afford to feed them anymore, but who knows. But I think that this is a major problem!
I do not think that non native birds should be allowed in OUR Hawai'i island home to be used as pets. This is disturbing, really!
Next thing you know....we will have pet alligators in our Ali Wai Canal! ;)
Carry on......!
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