My sister Geri is taking a Parks and Rec pottery class. They meet every Tuesday night at the Makua Alii Senior Center on Kalakaua Avenue. Geri invited me to watch the firing of Raku pieces that the class had made earlier. It was soooo interesting, and the pieces soooo beautiful.
I met up with the Yamadas and the Takayesus this morning at Koko Head District Park for some Christmas card picture taking. The best thing about the park is it's about 5 minutes from my house. I loved the look of the area in the park that I picked, although I'm not sure my models liked trekking into the rugged terrain. Thanks for being such sports guys . . . the pictures turned out just how I imagined.
Dogs Who Can't Read!
When we visited our friend, Terry and her husband we noticed that they had
put up a cute dog poop prevention sign on their front lawn.
She told me that...
Was leery about trying the Karauma hot chicken from KFC Should've listened
to my gut because it didn't taste "korean" at allWould've been better if it
had ...
Alii Fish Market – Moilili, HI
I’ve seen various social media posts about Alii Fish Market and even tried
a bit of their poke at a party once but never got to experience it myself.
Who Are You Calling “Elderly”?
Sheesh. There has been so much news about an elderly woman this or an
elderly man that – all about tragedies or bad news like found in a dumpster
or kille...
Descanso Gardens, 4/2/24
Three out of four college roommates were able to get together. Our other
roommate, Mary, is from Mountain View and it would have been an eight hour
Surf Report 09-06-2023
Waves: 1 - 3 Feet Wind: Trades Light Trade winds are back but the waves are
still rolling in! It's not Uranus Gotta stop and smell the sunrise! Cotton
Delhi - Day 9
October 2, 2019
We had another full day in Delhi before we leave for Varanasi tomorrow.
Subie met us once again to take us on a mini tour around Delhi. ...