I never did like Steven Seagal. I thought he was a joke. WhoDaHell fights bad guys in a suit anyway? What a fake movie star.
I've changed my mind. I watched the first episode of Steven Seagal: Lawman. He's been a Deputy Sheriff for the past 20 years. He's quick, he's smooth, an awesome martial artist and an awesome marksman. He's for real.
omusubi ambassador (part 2)
I tried the tuna, bonito, mayo & konbu musubi...258 yen (tax included)It
got a little smushed in my bag (I think) because I've almost never had
5 hours ago
it could very well b a male/female thing but i've liked him for a long time; not as a role model (yikes!) but just as an action character. unlike some actors, this guy has a ton of experience studying martial arts and had something like a 7th degree black belt (or something like that). unfortunately, he started eating too many twinkies of something and he ballooned into jaba the hut! i think he's lost some weight but he's a far cry from his early years when he was lean and fast. i have the video files from his new tv show on my hard drive but i haven't watched them yet. --> on another note, i took my daughter to the pioneer place on monsarat today and we had a wonderful lunch there ;-) thanks for the tip!
Ha ha ha did you see last night's show? I can't believe that he's a sheriff. I think he should just stick to acting. He's a great guy, but I as for the show, I just wasn't feeling it.
Wow, you mean he is still alive! I know he is an aikido black belt. But isn't it time to retire, he must be like a 90. Should have put more into his IRA.
Rand, despite his age and added weight I was still impressed.
mmiissee, that's so funny . . . I on the other hand can't wait to see the next episode. And I couldn't stand him before!
Erick, he's like OUR AGE!! Hahaha.
Steven Seagal? Are you joking? Is he even considered an actor? I totally agree with the first paragraph of your post. I think he's up there with Vin Diesel for the worst actor award...and why is he so swollen? The twinkie theory seems very possible....
Ok, now that everyone knows that I'm evil, I will stop now. :)
Hahahaha, Les, I kid you not. . . that "must be like 90" guy is baaaaaaad. Try watch the show. It's funny when the people go, "Steven Seagal?!!" "You Steven Seagal?"
I LOVE HIM........but I only watch his movies when Glenn is not home.....he is not even a fan, no where close.....But you know what, He is an awesome musician, plays guitar AND sings, writes his own music, I have him on my Ipod. It was his mother's dying wish that he record his music, so he did.....The Crystal Cave.
PS-He lives in Japan, studied Aikido for years and years there... Do you know how he got to be a sheriff? He was asked to come and teach martial arts, balance and discipline to the crew....
Sheese, I nevah even know.
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