Yup, I know, unbelievable but true . . . I made this bread.

you get a close up look too.

I used this makes-24-boulles
Chocolate Bread recipe from Brandee's cooking class, which Marvin precisely calculated down to yield 2 "boulles". I decided not to use the cocoa powder 'cause I wanted a white bread for a prettier picture.

The yeast I found comes in a three pack. One pack is 1/4 ounce which is perfect. The directions on the pack says to mix with 1/4 cup warm water. Brandee's recipe doesn't say to do anything like that, but I did it anyway. Seemed like the right thing to do.

So, I dissoved the yeast and I added 1 tsp. sugar like the directions say. I waited 10 minutes to see if the volume would double in size proving that the yeast was okay . . .

and it did.

I added it plus 1 cup of water to 3 1/3 cups of flour.

I was supposed to mix it for 5 minutes on first speed and 2 minutes on second, but I don't even have a food processor, so I hand mixed it for about 2 minutes at my speed. Then you're supposed to check for gluten development. The gluten sure looks developed to me, doesn't it?

Now that the gluten's developed, you add 1/4 cups sugar and 1/2 block of butter. Of course I forgot to take the butter out of the freezer ahead of time, so I had to microwave it a bit.

Add 3/4 cup craisins and 3/4 cup chocolate chips and mix. I had to mix everything together by squooshing it with my fingers. The dough had become one big sticky ball, and I couldn't use the wooden spoon any more. You're now supposed to let it rest for an hour, and I presumed it would double in size 'cause according Marvin's calculations, I was gonna make 2 "boulles".

It didn't double . . . it just grew a little. I dunno what happened . . . maybe it's because I didn't mix the dough long enough . . . maybe it's because I used regular flour and not bread flour . . . maybe Brandee's recipe doesn't really make 24 "boulles" . . . actually now that I think about it, I think maybe the water I used to dissolve the yeast wasn't hot enough. Anyway, so I put the dough in one pie pan instead of two and let it rise for one more hour . . .

and it did!!

I then baked it at 360 degrees for 28 minutes. The chocolate smell as it was baking was heavenly!

It's a little flat and dense, but it tastes good. Maybe I'll try again . . . it was kinda easy . . . even for me.
This really looks ONO! I don't know much about bread making but I think its suppose to rise double its size. I bought a three pack of yeast too to make the malasadas recipe so maybe I'll try to make this bread and see what mine turns out to be. Yours sure looks good.
Looks goods......the resting and the proofing is key. Draft free, warm area, covered with cloth, normally you gotta punch down the dough after the 1st rest and after the proofing to let it rise again..but hey, yours seems to have come out great without all that giggamagang...
wow, I'm soooo proud of you! Maybe you're the next Betty Crocker! :0) so how'd it taste?
So, I have a plan for next time. I'm gonna use warmer water for the yeast, I'm gonna mix it to death, I'm gonna let it rise once, punch it around, THEN add the chocolate chips and craisins, and let it rise again. With my third packet of yeast, I'm gonna make Betty's malasadas. Howzdat plan? Don't hold your breath though. Who knows when I'll get around to really doing it. Les, I'll send you a couple slices tomorrow.
Awww..That looked so good..and that's some awesome closeup shot of the cranberry..you can even see the little seed!
That look so ono! I am coming to your office Monday morning for my piece. Your macro shot make the bread look fantastic! Great food shooting.
That looks soooo good!
Thanks Shun-Wah, Erick and Ruth. I think I will give it another try.
It was SOOOOO ono!!! *drool* :) Good job Jalna!
Thanks Mar-VIN.
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