This is the video that I took with my wonderful phone-that-does-video. Unfortunately, it doesn't capture the "echo" effect. What's weird though is my phone-that-does-video is usually very sensitive to even the slightest breeze and even though it was windy up there YOU CAN BARELY HEAR IT . . . woooooo ooooooo . . . Before you click on the video you first gotta promise not to laugh at my Tita Sista Maaaaary voice that CLEARLY says, "I'm on top of DIS hill DAT'S soooooo beeeeeezaaaaaaar . . . "
Check out Leslie's blog for her pictures of me on this strange acoustic circle. By the way, does anybody know what this is?

you are craaaaaaazy.....
I just realized...you put this on YOU TUBE?!?!? brave woman!! hahahaha!!!
Whyyyyyyyyyyyy????? I wanna know whyyyyyy.
Cool hill! What is it for? Nice shooting!
Erick, it's for tormenting me.
I never hear anything. U must be imagining things, he,he.
Ron, try go. If you just move a little out of the center of the circle, the effect goes away. So weird. Please help me figure this out. The people who built that thing must know the answer.
I never knew of that place. How weird!! I'd like to know too.
I could be wrong but wasn't the old hyperbaric treatment center used to be where that old white "tower" is.
hmmmmmm . . .
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