My string of one-post-a-day was broken yesterday 'cause we got back late after our ghost hunt. But that's okay, it was fun. And maybe now I won't be so obsessive about having to post something every single day.
Here's Marvin and Grant as we wait for our bus in front of our MRI suite.


Tysha and Ahina.

Here we are about to set off on our adventure.

Our first stop was at Ko'olina. I'm kinda a bad student, and don't remember what Lopaka Kapanui, our guide, said except something about the place being haunted . . . something like dat anyway.

Kona's chicken came for the ride too. I know you shouldn't bring pork along, but I think a chicken should be okay.

Here's Marvin in front of a heiau at Pokai Bay.

Here are us spectators trying to capture any ghostly images by him.

And I got mine!!!!!! Nah, that's just Marvin pointing his flashlight at his face. Got you going though, hah!!?

But for real this time . . . look at the smoky looking shape to the right of the picture. What do you think? Ghost, right! Those of you with smaller monitors might need to click on the image to see the whole thing.

Here's Iris's group as we leave the heiau.

Here's Jay blocking the path of night marchers.

Now what is that by Lincoln's head? Only got bushes behind him, but see the light?

Here we are in Makua Cave listening to three ghost stories by candlelight.

No flash was used during the telling of the stories yet there's a glowing light by Ken's head.

Here are the candle holders as they stand deep in the cave. Hooo oooo oooooo.