Thursday, July 16, 2009

Water Balloon Shot - Second Try

For our second attempt, the plan was that I would click the shutter sooner than our first attempt. Also, Marvin made sure that the balloon had less air in it this time. We practiced ahead of time the "Now"= click. "Now"/click. "Now"/click. "Now"/click. We were soooo ready . . . okaaaaaay . . .

"NOW!!!!!"/CLICK!!!!! I got the precise moment!!! But the balloon didn't pop!

I suck again!

Okay, so here's the plan . . . next time . . . sharp needle instead of straightened-out paper clip. Stay tuned . . .


RONW said...

use soda inside the balloon.

I remember something about the needle needing to be either dull or sharp.

Erick said...

Looks like a liquid plate, cool! Have you thought about using bust mode, were you hold down the shutter and camera continuously fires? Good luck with the next attempt.

Betty Townsend said...

Hilarious!!! Can't say you are not persistent! Marvin is such a good sport. :))

jalna said...

Ron, SODA!!! How interesting!

Erick, "bust" mode? Using my breasts? More interesting!!!

Betty, Marvin is da bomb.