Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Ceramics Class

All I can say about the piece that I did yesterday is that a second-grader would've been proud.

I pictured myself making a (3) cute little Japanese wind chime(s).  Instead I got a (1) huge bonshō temple gong.

It was my third and final attempt.  I squashed my first two pieces.  They were too flimsy, out of shape, and uneven in thickness.

I'll be honest.  Clay and me don't get along.  But we have around 8 more chances to become friends.



Honolulu Aunty said...

Don't give up! Clay is such a wonderful medium to make decorative as well as useful things. I make stuff for my garden - like along my fence so the water doesn't splash inbetween the fence cracks. I did a "Beware of Dog" sign that I mounted under our mailbox. Pots for plants, trays for potted plants, a fish on a rebar for the lettuce patch that doesn't have any lettuce.
Is this an open studio or do you have instruction?

Anonymous said...

When you glaze it, it will be beautiful.


Anonymous said...

J, nightmares from my intermediate ceramic classes come back to me. Oh it's too big, it's too thin, I think it'll crack when fired. It Did! Yay! A broken ugly ashtray. The bloody ceramic mess everywhere, on my apron, in my finger nails. I prefer to go to Walmart now. N

K and S said...

looks great though!

jalna said...

Thanks for the encouragement! It’s supposed to be noninstructional but there’s a gal there who is really helpful.

jalna said...

Awwwww. Thanks!

jalna said...

Are you my twin?

jalna said...


Anonymous said...

Don’t give up! I miss my ceramics class.

jalna said...

Awww thanks Dean. We still use the spoon holder that you gave me!