Tuesday, February 11, 2025


This past Saturday, the biggest caterpillar on my crown flower plant was roaming around.  I knew that it was looking for a place to glue itself down, so I put it into a container and waited. 

I woke up on Sunday morning to find it dangling from the cover.  During the Super Bowl half-time show it started transitioning. 


I took a time-lapse video which you can view by clicking on the photo below.  It's not especially clear having to focus through the plastic container, but if you'd like to see footage that I did 10 years ago with my Canon you can click here



Anonymous said...

God’s creatures are so amazing!


Anonymous said...

absolutely so amazing!!!!

Honolulu Aunty said...

Nature is so wonderfully amazing. And butterflies are one of the most joyous.

DrumMajor said...

Cocoon is more entertaining than that half time! Linda in Kansas

Anonymous said...

J, how cool is that. Cooler that you got one on film. Nature is wonderful-N

K and S said...

so cool

jalna said...

I agree!

jalna said...

Such a complicated process!

jalna said...

Very joyous!!

jalna said...

LOL. Good to know! 'Cause I totally missed it.

jalna said...

Thanks! It involved a lot of wasted footage. But can just delete!

jalna said...

I'm so glad it happened while I was at home!

Anonymous said...

I love this!! Can you make sure you catch the next stage! lol, jk ~Susan

jalna said...

I’ll try!