Sunday, January 19, 2025

Kai and Giraffe

Kai and his giraffe are doing fine.  Me, I'm kinda traumatized.

The other day I took Kai to Kokohead District Park.  Just to walk around in a different setting.  We did it once before, and he enjoyed it.

I pulled into the parking lot.  It was pretty quiet.  Had choke empty stalls.  Just as I was trying to decide on which stall to park in, I heard something (I can't remember the sound exactly).  I looked outside of my window and Kai was there lying on the ground!  He had fallen out the window!

I put my car in Park and ran out to him.  He seemed scared and didn't run away.  I grabbed his leash, opened the back door and led him back in.  I checked the seatbelt tether that should've held him securely in his seat.  It was broken.  I inspected Kai for any injuries and kept asking him if he was okay. 

After seeing that Kai looked fine, I finally pulled into a stall and sat there for a bit trying to collect myself.  Kai pawed and scratched at his door.  He wanted out. 

We went for our walk, but I was pretty shaken.  I couldn't understand what had happened.  There was no way that he could've fit through the half-opened window.  Apparently, I was wrong because he did fit through. 

On the ride home with his window fully closed, I felt grateful that it didn't happen while we were on the road.  I realized that me and Kai were very lucky and that I was taught this lesson in maybe the safest possible way.  Thank God. 



DrumMajor said...

Oh gosh, that IS scary. Glad he's okay. Guess all of his fur and floof really can smash down to a small opening. Maybe just having the window open the width of his nose will keep him happy. Maybe he needs two tethers! O my. Too much adventure! Linda in Kansas

Anonymous said...

Oh no! But thank the Lord it happened as you parked and Kai wasn’t injured. I would feel the same way as you.

But, maybe as you slowed to park, he was so excited that he pulled hard and broke the tether and that’s how he fell out the window?

I always worry about our doggies too when they try to stick their front legs and head out the car window.


Honolulu Aunty said...

Phew! That was traumatic. So glad he (and you!) are okay now.

K and S said...

oh em gee I’m so glad both of you are okay, must have been so scary for both of you

Anonymous said...

J, awww so sorry to hear what happened to Kai and you. Very frightening experience. Glad he's okay and I hope you are too. I've had 3 different dogs fall outta the moving car. It's spooky. But God was with us so no injuries. It's amazing how a dog can fit outta a small opening. God bless. N

Susan said...

Wow! My heart was beating reading this. So thankful Kai and you are ok!

Anonymous said...

sooo glad Kai is ok. and you, how traumatizing! Can't imagine the fear.
take care!

jalna said...

I'm thinking two tethers too!!

jalna said...

I was thinking the exact thing. He was VERY excited to be there again.

jalna said...

Thank you!

jalna said...

Kai recovered from the fright waaaay faster than me. LOL.

jalna said...

Thank you! I kept thinking how da hell did he fit!

jalna said...

So scary yah!!

jalna said...

Thank you!!

Chet Colson said...

Wow, I'm glad Kai is fine. That definitely is a freak out moment

Anonymous said...

Yikes, that happened to my cousin before. He made a wide (?) turn & our dog was hanging out the open window & fell out. He was more surprised than anything & unhurt. It’s amazing pets & humans are so resilient at times! A.

De said...

So sorry you and Kai went through that traumatic experience. Glad both of you are okay. I was sad reading your post.

jalna said...

So scary, yah!!

jalna said...

Awwww, thank you.

KirkK said...

Oh my, quite scary, glad Kai is ok...sorry you had to go thru this.

jalna said...

Thank you! It was a good lesson.