Sunday, January 5, 2025

Dizzy Kai

Click on the photo below to watch Kai making himself dizzy.



Honolulu Aunty said...

LOL. I just want to give those dogs their tails so they can stop chasing them.

Anonymous said...

He tired me out watching him chase his tail! One of our doggies does that on occasion too. LOL


K and S said...

so much energy:)

Chet Colson said...

Good exercise, funny 😁

Anonymous said...

J, hard being an only child. :D. Physically he's big but his heart is still a pup. I kinda tired watching him, a lotta energy.N

jalna said...

Too funny!!

jalna said...

At first it bothered me that he did that, but now I think it's just funny.

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jalna said...


Anonymous said...

why is there no giggling in the background? there's a grin on my face! li

jalna said...
