Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Ceramics Class

Yesterday was our first day of ceramics class.  It was fun even though I had to socialize. 

Here's what we made.  Erick's penguin is on the left, my cup is in the middle and Geri's air plant planter is on the right.

IMG_0447 2 

This is Cleta's cute little doxie. 


Susan said...

I was just thinking about not seeing any drawing or painting posts lately : ) and then this, nice !

Anonymous said...

All so talented!


jenny said...

All of them look great! I'm so happy you are taking classes again!!

Honolulu Aunty said...

Good job! Even if you had to socialize, lol. Where are you taking it? Need tools?

Anonymous said...

What do you mean "even if you had to socialize" lol....but it looks like a fun class to take.

Anonymous said... they go on to teaching wheel too?

Anonymous said...

J, sooo cool and everyone is talented. I love the doxie!! Where are you taking this class. I remember the ugly ash trays I made in elementary. N

jalna said...

I actually registered for the class two sessions ago, but chickened out and cancelled back then.

jalna said...

Me, not too much. LOL.

jalna said...


jalna said...

Awwww, thanks, but I got tools. It's at Kapaolono Park. Easy to get to.

jalna said...

It was super fun. But me, I'm kinda reclusive and just rather stay home. More so as I'm getting older.

jalna said...

No, no wheel. I can't even imagine the damage I could do on a wheel. LOL.

jalna said...

It's at Kapaolono Park. I think I'm not far from elementary school quality. LOL.

K and S said...

thought I commented but I guess not, glad you are taking classes!

Kay said...

You're reclusive? Hmmm... I didn't think so. You're a lot of fun to be with.

jalna said...

Thanks! I just checked my Spam box and your comment wasn't there, but had two of mine. LOL.

jalna said...

Yah, I am.