Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Bad Dog

Kai is free to come and go as he pleases through his dog door, and yesterday he came into the house with muddy feet.  When I went outside to inspect, this is what I saw. 


Turned into bath day for the bad boy.  IMG_0350


Anonymous said...

not a bad boy. He looks like he was weeding!

DrumMajor said...

My Golden loved to dig sometimes. I stopped her from doing so in the yard by taking her to a nearby kids' park that had a lot of sand. She loved to dig in that sand, and stopped doing so in the yard. Guess the sand was easier than the dirt. Linda in Kansas

Honolulu Aunty said...

Ho boy. Grass or dog? They don't get along.

Chet Colson said...

Oops. How can scold, when get dat innocent look.

Anonymous said...

Our two doggies loved to dig too to try and get under our house to squeeze out to the other side. We had to put cinder blocks in certain areas so they couldn’t dig. LOL

K and S said...


Susan said...

Our girl dog is so nice. She hasn’t done anything mischievous since we got her. On the other hand, our male dog, to this day, hasn’t gotten over chewing wooden or plastic stuff he finds on the floor. He also shreds napkins. They don’t go outside since we don't have a fenced area.

jalna said...


jalna said...

Kai has never dug the sand at the beach. He's too busy being crazy excited unmanageable.

jalna said...


jalna said...

I know!!

jalna said...

OMG, the things we gotta do.

jalna said...

Lately, I have to threaten Kai and say that I'm gonna get Landon. Lan's the alpha, and Kai will totally stop being bad when Lan scolds.

jalna said...

LOL. We shoulda gotten a girl dog. ๐Ÿ˜