Sunday, December 15, 2024

Exotic Phenomena in Dimension 4

A very smart gal gave a talk at a mathematics conference at Harvard.  I didn't understand a single statement she made, but watched for 8 minutes because I was intrigued.  It has 898,438 views right now.  Does that mean that 898,438 people can understand what she is talking about?


K and S said...

didn’t watch for too long was too complicated, give you credit for watching 8 minutes

Anonymous said...

Mathematics was never a strong point with me. LOL


Honolulu Aunty said...

I used to attend a LOT of courses to improve my life, especially my financial life. One of the smartest teachers was from Israel. He was into Scientology for its practical applications, but he was a religious Jew. Quite a dynamic combination. He said that the problem with education is getting stuck on a word, a concept, etc. So, in the case of math, a child must get the concepts of addition, multiplication, etc. first. He/she must really understand the elementary principles first or will be lost and learn to hate math.

In the case of all else, vocabulary is essential. When reading a book or passage, if our brain comes across a word that it does not know, then it whirls and whirls trying to figure it out and everything that follows is just blah blah blah blah. I lost all understanding when the first difficult word she said was "manifold". What the bleep is manifold? To me it is a car part. Everything after was blah blah blah blah.

Anonymous said...

J, lol yup no idea either. Manifolds are in cars I thought? I was thinking she can really write in a straight line!! Second thought was why use chalk, can't Harvard afford better surfaces, third thought was why is she dressed as if she's going clubbing and lastly, she so skinny her back bones are sticking out. Small minds want to know. -N

jalna said...

I was so intrigued at how lost I was. 🤣

jalna said...

I remember thinking, "This is math?"

jalna said...

LOL. It's pretty much blah blah blah for me at all lectures.

jalna said...

Ahahahaha. My first thought: Wow, she's skinny. Second thought: Is that a Princess Leia hairdo? Third thought: Is that the expensive dustless Hagoromo chalk from Japan?

Anonymous said...

J, so I finally googled it. A few descriptions of manifold. None which makes sense to me. But this explains it in math (hahaha, I need to Google the explanation)" In mathematics, a manifold is a topological space that locally resembles Euclidean space near each point." N

jalna said...

It's just so amazing how Greek this all is to me.