Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Two days after going to the ER, I ended up at Urgent Care in Kahala.  Same symptoms.  Same negative test results.

I have been referred to a cardiologist, but I think it's panic attacks that I'm experiencing.  My wonderful soon-to-be-on-materinity-leave doctor prescribed a low-dose medicine for anxiety and palpitations.

Been working on this drawing to help me relax.  Thank you all for your words of encouragement.  

See you again soon.



jenny said...

Oh gosh, I hope the drawing helps you. You are such a wonderfully talented creative person - I love the work you produce! Hope the medicine can help you, panic attacks are no joke and I can sympathize....

Honolulu Aunty said...

I believe that I have been under a lot of stress and anxiety too. Fear of getting older, useless, unwanted, unrespected. Doggies help. However, I don't want another dog at this stage of my life because losing them is too hard.

So, do what you want to do whenever you want. Keep on painting, drawing, feeding neighborhood lizards and blogging (if you enjoy it). You are a very special and wonderful person that thinks of others more than yourself. Be more selfish and enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

Will be praying for you. If it’s anxiety, try talk therapy. I had major anxiety too and did talk therapy and it made a huge difference.


Anonymous said...

J, sympathies to you. I had panic and anxiety attacks due to trauma and home life. It is the worst things and when aggravated by stress it's worse. My doctor told me that as we age the ability to cope with stress wears down. It's a theory but I hear a lot of seniors who never had panic or anxiety attacks start getting them. So I think that theory may be true. Yes your best friends are the medications. I've been medicated for 15 or more years now and finally all of that has stopped. Generally it's very low level medications so there is no concern for addictions or anything. Now that my life has changed so much by moving I really cut back on it. But when it used to be really bad I would get increased dosages. All our Journeys are different so I hope these meds will help you. God bless and keep you.-N

Anonymous said...

oh wow, wish I knew what to do to help.

K and S said...

sending lots of hugs, please take care

Susan said...

I hope you’ll feel better soon! Pls take care!

DNakamaru said...

Take care Jalna. I’m glad saw the doctors and hope they can help.

hialohaft said...

Jalna, take care! Your drawing is beautiful!

jalna said...

Thank you everyone. I'd like to respond individually, but I just can't right now. My apologies.