Thursday, February 16, 2023

Geri's Baked Pastele

My sister Geri made some Baked Pastele the other day and we lucked out because she delivered a sampling to each of the siblings.  So nice!!  Thank you, Geri!!


I ate mine with some gandule rice which I just so happened to have bought earlier.  So ono!  Hoo hoo!!

Here's the recipe that she followed.  Looks kinda humbug to me, but when I asked her if she would make it again, she said that she would.

And here are some process photos that she took (when she remembered).




Anonymous said...

I follow this recipe from HECO. Instead of making dumplings, I just grate the green banana into the pot at the end.

K and S said...

never had pastele or gandule rice but both sound ono!

Honolulu Aunty said...

Plenty work! But worth it since it was so ono for you.

Erick said...

Looks ono! I'll check out her cookbook for the recipe.

jalna said...

Anon, thanks! I'll check it out.

Kat, you gotta try next time you're home.

Aunty, yah, so glad she shared.

Erick, hi!!

DNakamaru said...

WOW! Looks so ONO!!!

jalna said...

Hi Dean!!