Sunday, April 4, 2021


I inherited a nice big set of pastels from Honolulu Aunty, and I decided to try them out yesterday.  Thank you, Aunty!


Anonymous said...

Terrific! You’re also very good at choosing the right music too.
Happy Easter!


Honolulu Aunty said...

Neat watching the bird come to life! I was wondering how you kept your fingers clean from the chalks but then, you showed them later, lol. And the problems with the white pens made me chuckle. Very fun, and SO glad you are playing with the stuff!

K and S said...

looks just like the photo!

jalna said...

Izsmom, thanks!

Aunty, it was fun using such a big set with the variety of color selections. Thanks again.

Kat, so colorful, yah!

Susan said...

My grandson watched this video with me and wants to take lessons.😊

jalna said...

Susan, awesome!!!

jalna said...

Susan, awesome!!!