Landon over-cloroxed one of his masks and it got really faded looking. He didn't wanna wear it anymore so after seeing a post that Kay did on tie-dying, I bought the cheapest Rit dye that I could find on Amazon ($2.99) and gave it a try. You can check out Kay's post here.

It came out kinda uggaly, but maybe he won't mind. We'll see. And yes, he is a D cup.
Looks good!!! D cup lol
Gosh, Jalna. I think it looks great! I'll bet he'd wear it.
Annie, LOL.
Kay, thanks for your awesome instructions!
Really nice!!!!
looks good!
Came out nice!
Aunty, thank you.
Kat, thanks!
Izsmom, thank you.
Not ugly at all!
Susan, thank you! Landon seems to like it!
Les, LOL.
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