MERRY CHRISTMAS, PEOPLES!! Hope you have a good one! I gotta go finish cleaning house before my family gets here, but didn't wanna neglect you guys today.
Guess where I'll be tomorrow!
JAPAN!! Wendell didn't wanna leave Kona so just me and Landon are going. It'll be a really short trip. We come home on New Year's Day.
Below is a glimpse of how I prep before a trip.
Landon wanted to check out Go Go Curry while we're there. I found a picture of their ordering machine. It's all in Japanese so guess what I did.

So nuts, yah! But was fun making the cheat sheet. Hope I no forget to bring it with us.

Japan, hurray for you!!! You will have 2 New Year's Days to enjoy this year, so Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
Enjoy the shopping and walk through the street on the way to a temple. Ono street vendors on New Year's Day.
Mele Kalikimaka to you and your ohana! How fun you'll be flying to Japan for a mini vacation with your son. Have a safe trip and a wonderful time! Please post pics!
Too much time on your hands, LOL. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Have fun!
j: hoo da short but I know you goin' have fun. I look forward to the confusion and misunderstanding you'll go thru - be careful of the toilets! Merry Christmas to you, Kona and family! -N
Aunty, it'll be shopping, shopping, shopping for me and eating, eating, eating for Landon!
Thanks Izsmom. Will try to post pix while I'm there, but if not for sure when I get back.
For real yah, Mich. LOL!!
N, too short yah . . . I agree. Did you happen to read Kay's (Musings) recent post on her travel blunder? Too funny!!
Fun! Fun! Fun!!! You guys will have an awesome time...stay warm!
I like go.
Thanks Les!!
LOL, Chet.
You are going to have so much fun! Merry Christmas, Jalna and family.
have fun!
So lucky!!!! I jealous! Have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! least the train ticket machines have English options on them and once we got the hang of buying tickets from the machine it was easy. Have fun and eat lots!
Have fun guys! eat PLENTY!! no dieting alloowed on your trip! lol. CQ
I cheated and took a screenshot of your translation for when I go! Thank you for your hard work! Otsukaresama deshita! I need this for those ramen and other machine based ordering.
Cool! Just press anyone and see what you get.
Thank you, Kay!
Thanks, Kat!
Dean, I have a feeling you'll be going there again sometime soon.
Susan, all machines should have English on um, yah!
Thanks CQ!
Welcome, V! LOL.
Sometimes it's like that, Erick!
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