MW Restaurant – Honolulu, HI
We had a gift card for MW Restaurant so we came for a little holiday
dinner. What a nice treat! We enjoyed ourselves very much and the food was
ono! Liliko...
3 hours ago
You have to put the "after" buffing/polishing picture too! :)
Ouch, indeed! You like put my "" magnet on it to mask it, lol?
j: think I am your long lost twin. Showed you the long yellow dent and streak on my car. Did it at Sam's Pearl city which has horrible, i.e. narrow, small, spaces. Got hung up on a cement rod and there was a long metal screech, eeeeeeeeeee, sound that attracted all the shoppers. I had an audience as I tried to extricate myself. Talk about embarrassing and humiliating. That is the main reason I dropped my Sam's membership. You saw it at it's worse, but luckily or unluckily my parked car got rear ended and most of it was removed at the other driver's expense. I have so many stories about rear ending something or another as I try to reverse. I'm just a lousy parker-N
I think Honolulu parking garages are some of the worst in the country! They have cement support pillars everywhere! I remember Ward Warehouse parking being horrible for cement land mines!
For real, Mich . . . and if I angle the shot just right I can make it look even better.
LOL, good idea, Aunty! So funny!
That's kinda what I said too, Les . . . but not exactly.
So ouch, Kat.
N, I totally suck at driving in parking garages. There is no way I could handle your truck.
I agree, Mark!
Watch Anuhea fix her truck! This is so cute! Girlz can DO IT! ; )
Watch out for those poles. One hit my car too! Bad Pole!
Yowch! Oooh..that's painful it happens though. Cannot help. Our poor Prius has its share of bumps and dents too.
That was funny, Mark!
The wall on the right side of your parking stall hit my Rav4, Erick!
So painful, Kay.
Uh oh! Sometimes I only pay attention to my right side when I'm in reverse, and nearly hit the back of my car.
Ooooh, youch, my husband backed his truck into a post at his work garage before. No matter how it's hurts!
Hi Jalna! I was away from biosphere so long time but I was thinking about you often. Did you watch Olympic? I'm so happy a few Oregonian got medals! Yeah!
Same thing happened to my husband's car a few years ago...cost pretty penny to fix it (sob).
Akemi!!!!! Been missing you, but think about you all the time! Yes, I did watch the Olympics . . . enjoyed it a lot.
Big time oweee, Susan!
Don't worry, Dora did the same thing.
Hope you have a low deductible.
Thanks Dean. I feel better now. LOL!
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