Wouldja believe I made this? For real. The recipe can be found here.

I omitted the "bake for 3 minutes to melt cheese" part because, as you can see, the cheese was already melting. I also omitted the "render the balsamic vinegar with sugar" part because, as you know, I'm too lazy. I just poured the vinegar on straight from the bottle. Still was good.
Thanks again for the recipe, Mich!
looks awesome!
Ha ha ha ha ha! You're so charming!
Sounds really good!
Thanks Kat.
It's tasty, Akemi.
Every time I look at one of your food pictures, I gain weight. Yummm!
Ahahaha, Me too, Kay!
Holy Mackerel!
~Oops...I mean Holy Macadamia-Crusted Brie!
Now that's Totally Awesome!
You crack me up, Mark!
j: lo-lo me, I bookmarked your page for Dec, so I've not seen any updates since the COSTCO meatballs. I was thinking, hoo she taking a long break. Then I saw "2015" and saw all the posts under dat. Ats okay cuz I got my Jalna fix in one sitting. I've been reading all the different blogs you have listed and to those bloggers though I don't comment such as on Nippon Nin's blog I read each new blog. I also read Leslie's one but no ken comment on hers. -N
Hey, N!!! I was wondering where you were.
That looks ono!
oh my Jalna...do you have some left overs? lol Must've been onolicious!
No leftovers, Mmiissee. But we have more Brie cheese in the 'fridge.
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