Nippon Nin totally cracks me up. She recently made some curry that required choke onions. Look at her picture. Soooo funny. And her curry looks so ono. A link to her blog is on my Blog List on the right side bar.
And then make sure you also check out Honolulu Aunty's contraption she got from Amazon that turns your regular toilet into a bidet for only $28. And she installed it herself. Amaaaaazing!
Are you feel better now? Thinking about you last night but then my husband called to say we had to deliver fruits for friends and we went. I didn't have a chance to email you, sorry. It was kind of scary to hear your ordeal. Take care and have wonderful Christmas.
Aloha Jalna, much mahalo for the mention and comment!
A bidet is wonderful - never knew how wonderful until now. I got the cheap one - you have the expensive one that needed an electrician to hook up. So does it massage too? lol. THAT would be worth the big bucks.
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Delhi - Day 9
October 2, 2019
We had another full day in Delhi before we leave for Varanasi tomorrow.
Subie met us once again to take us on a mini tour around Delhi. ...
Thank you Jalna. You're so kind.
Are you feel better now? Thinking about you last night but then my husband called to say we had to deliver fruits for friends and we went. I didn't have a chance to email you, sorry. It was kind of scary to hear your ordeal. Take care and have wonderful Christmas.
Thank you Akemi, I'm a lot better now! Happy Holidays to you too!
Aloha Jalna, much mahalo for the mention and comment!
A bidet is wonderful - never knew how wonderful until now. I got the cheap one - you have the expensive one that needed an electrician to hook up. So does it massage too? lol. THAT would be worth the big bucks.
Massage, Aunty? Hmmmm . . . I think I would end up spending too much time on the can . . . :]
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